Poki'a Polaali

For Those He Has Lost.
For Those He Can Yet Save.

Keeper of the Light

Poki'a Polaali

red, green, blue
the colors of light.
perhaps we always should have known.

Name: Poki'a Polaali
Age: 22 ( As of ARR; 17 at time of Dalamud's Fall)
Gender: Male
Hair: Red with white stripes - comparable to cinnamon with a sugar streak.
Eyes: Left Blue, Right Green
when Hydaelyn connects, blue eye glows cyan


Little Aether Battery

Son of the leader of the Crystal Clan of Moonkeeper Miqo'te,
Poki'a Polaali has always been....different.
A bright child, he was born into Magic.
He knew Magic. And Magic knew him.

Poki'a was raised to represent his clan well.
He was to always do what was Right by others, regardless of the personal cost. He was good only for the Good he could do for others, to make the name Polaali known amongst all.
And he believed these words, for the one teaching him, his mother, was one who should love him no matter what. The other, his father, strove to show him true love. When she went to dispatch Poki'a to Carteneau Flats, a fight ensued between Poki Polaali and Ihlo'li Mewlirah, where children cried, and the sisters clung to the son who's small shoulders bore such weight.
So it was that Poki'a was home when the Red Moon fell.

The Blessing of Light

Hydaelyn's Chosen

In the falling Meteors, a boy stood and used his astounding Aether to shield his family from harm.
And in that moment, Hydaelyn chose him as Hers.

Poki'a's magic was well known after the fall of Dalamud. His shield protected not just his family, but his whole clan from falling to the Calamity. The moon fell, the skies changed. So too, did Poki'a.Blessed by light, the Summoner made his choice - to go out, to do Good. He was going to Adventure. And thus he did, and made a name for himself as the Star rebuilt from the Calamity, to the point that eventually he made his way to Limsa Lominsa to study true Arcany.It was here he became known, here he loved what he did. And it was here that he caught the attention of Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn, commander of the great City-State. Named as her Ambassador, she saw in him the potential for greatness, and gave him the ability to travel with it. He grew, and gained such knowledge and skill, exploring what he could do.Until he came face to face with Ifrit. He lay the Primal low. And his life changed again.

Primal's Bane, GODSLAYER

A Warrior of Light

Warrior of Light, blessed by the Mothercrystal.
Battle on that you may protect one and all.

Gifted as he was, the Star noticed him. He began to be called upon to Save them, over and over again.Titan fell to his Carbuncle.
Garuda disappated under his gaze.
Leviathan crashed and roared, but the tides could not stop him.
Shiva screamed as ice gave way to fiery determination.
The World of Darkness claimed the one he loved before he had the chance to tell him.
And still he was not done.Ravana's warsong faded to nothing.
Bismarck soared until the clouds closed.
Thordin and his Knights collapsed under the weight of the Warrior.
Nidhogg's corruption was relieved.
And still he was not done.Susano reveled in their dance.
Lakshmi offered such bliss to the broken.
Shinryu's lightning crashed and burned out.
Tsukiyomi grieved, and was grieved.
And still he was not done.

warrior of darkness, star's savior

Bringer of Shadows, Bringer of Light

The Star was what he loved.
And so he battled on. Despite everything, it was still him.

He was called to another world, after seeing those he cared for most and those who used him alike, get called away. He found himself walking on a new Star, so different yet similar to the one he loved. Again, he'd been called upon to save a world - he alone could do it. Gods, when would it be too much? But this was different. This star valued him, fought alongside him.And it was here he found one he'd thought lost. One he could yet save.For the first time, in so very long, Poki'a acted out of his own desire. He wanted to do Good, yes, but he wanted to be happy as well. He saved the First, brought down the Sin Eaters, and in doing so, found the way to bring his beloved Raha home.It was now that Poki'a decided. This power was here, it was his - and he could use it how he pleased. He would save the Star...but more importantly, he'd save the ones he loved most. He began to establish this, and even scarred by Light as he was, he knew this was Right.

Shard Singer, Mooncatte

The End's Aria

A song of hope, she rises on the wind.
Higher, oh higher....

The End Times came, and people once again turned to him, as he'd known they would. This time, though, it did not feel as cumbersome. Poki'a stood amongst those he loved, and declared that as long as he breathed, another adventure was coming for them, and he would not lose them now. He stared down the song of the End, and he sang instead a song of Hope. A song of Love. A song of Life.His song overpowered the End.The Hero of the Star goes by many names as he sings these songs of Life, Love, Hope.Aether Battery. Hydaelyn's Chosen. Warrior of Light. Warrior of Darkness. Godslayer, Primal's Bane, Endbreaker.Poki'a Polaali.

Legends never die

Continuing On

The end's song has played, the tune has completed,
and yet here we stand - a life undefeated.
our warrior fought, and our warrior won.
So raise your heads high, and face towards the dawn.
warrior of light, we have won.
warrior of light, you have come.

Lovers of Kia

The Polywheel

Stronghawk - Retainer - Fisher
35 | Male | Determined/Firm
Tomami - Retainer - Red Mage
26 | Female | Lively/Fierce
G'raha Tia - Scholar/Scion
124? | Male | Energetic/bright

Battle Comrades


R'koli Rihll - White Mage and Mentor
??? | Female | Gentle/Kind/Wise
K'Bor Tia - Reaper/Black Mage
??? | Male | Boistrous/Brash/Bold
Alphinaud Levilleur - Sage/Scholar
Adopted Sibling
16 | Male | Intelligent/Stubborn/Witty
Alisaie Levilleur - Red Mage
Adopted Sibling
16 | Female | Assertive/Intelligent/Domineering
Mochiran Qestir - Arcanist/Protege
??? | Female | Thoughtful/Motherly/Determined

the writer behind the warrior


Age - 30ish
Nonbinary, she/they, taken
tired healthcare worker.
I only roleplay with adult writers (18+, prefer 21+)poki'a is my self-indulgence character, and as such, is my
warrior of light.
I am not playing him for any plot but my own private enjoyment.
please refrain from commenting on him being a Mary-Sue.

ffxiv and plot © Square Enix. All rights reserved.
